Bone lonely de Paulo Nozolino  / STEIDL / 2011

Bone lonely
Paulo Nozolino
Text by Rui Baião
18 x 26 cm /  72 pages
Book / Hardcover
STEIDL, 2011


A suite of thirty-two photographs by Nozolino accompanied by thirty-two poems by Rui Baião, bone lonely is a meditation on one of the most intense yet simultaneously subtle human states: loneliness. “A man stands in the middle of destruction, feeling unbelievably lonely. He makes deaf images during his blind walks. Dwelling with thoughts about the loss in all conflicts, the feeling that all systems fail and the certainty that nothing lasts forever. He wonders what light shines in loneliness, what sounds come out of a moving body, what can fill the absence. He has no answers. He sees silent panic, he hears reports on people, he smells the mould, he feels the flesh aging and he tastes the drysaliva in his mouth. There seems to be no escape. He has a word pounding inside his head: resist, resist… bone lonely.”
