Natal 2021
A STET vai fechar dia 24 e 31 de Dezembro.
Abrimos de 28 a 30 de Dezembro e reabrimos em 2022, a 11 de Janeiro
Rua Actor António Cardoso, 12 A (Arroios)
Imagem 321, Roe Ethridge

A STET vai de férias!

A STET vai de férias!

Reabrimos (por marcação) até 15 de setembro!

Until september 15th, we are opening by appointment!

321 by Roe Ethridge
Staple bound paperback
16.5 x 21cm, 64 pages
Published as a limited edition zine
MACK, 2021

Sacrifice Your Body | Roe Ethridge

Sacrifice Your Body
Roe Ethridge

128 pages
21.6 cm x 28.8 cm
Flexibound embossed hardcover
MACK, 2014

Roe Ethridge’s practice is that of a restless maverick and his constantly evolving visual sensibility has spawned a myriad of copyists in what has become known as ‘the new school of synthetic photography’.

In this his latest artist book, Ethridge conflates a rich array of photographic tropes, combining personal documentary images made in western Palm Beach County, his mother’s childhood home, with surreal collage works, and a series discarded from a Chanel fashion shoot. These are interwoven with what appears to be a carefully directed scene depicting a teeth-white Durango SUV sinking into and then being retrieved from a canal. The clash of visual styles, histories and meaning establish a flatline of dissonance underscored by the touchline admonition of the neon title – SACRIFICE YOUR BODY.

Ethridge’s storytelling invokes a sense of discomfit akin to David Lynch’s film-making, a lucid undermining of veracity and morality and the ingrained materiality that underpins American life.

Le Luxe (Second edition) | Roe Ethridge

Le Luxe (Second edition)
Roe Ethridge

206 pages | 200 colour plates
25 cm x 28.5 cm
Embossed hardcover
MACK, 2012


American artist Roe Ethridge’s latest book takes its title from the French “C’est pas du luxe”, an ironic phrase which alludes to the superfluous nature of luxury whilst proclaiming how essential it is to existence. Such paradoxes are fluently woven through Ethridge’s oeuvre and Le Luxe encompasses his practice from the past decade, without ever slipping into the moribund gravitas of a retrospective.

Plumbing his diverse image inventories, from personal images and magazine commissions to an archive of online screen shots, the book continues his exploration of picture-making that disavows the potential for creating a finished work. Ethridge para-phrases Eggleston when he states that he is “at war with the finished” in an era of digital photography straining towards idealisation. The pristine conditions of photography are undermined in the book’s design and riff on Henri Matisse’s apposite aphorism “exactitude is not truth” (Matisse titled two of his paintings Le Luxe).

Le Luxe | Roe Ethridge

Le Luxe
Roe Ethridge

206 pages | 200 colour plates
25 cm x 28.5 cm
MACK, 2011


American artist Roe Ethridge’s latest book takes its title from the French “C’est pas du luxe”, an ironic phrase which alludes to the superfluous nature of luxury whilst proclaiming how essential it is to existence. Such paradoxes are fluently woven through Ethridge’s oeuvre and Le Luxe encompasses his practice from the past decade, without ever slipping into the moribund gravitas of a retrospective.

Plumbing his diverse image inventories, from personal images and magazine commissions to an archive of online screen shots, the book continues his exploration of picture-making that disavows the potential for creating a finished work. Ethridge para-phrases Eggleston when he states that he is “at war with the finished” in an era of digital photography straining towards idealisation. The pristine conditions of photography are undermined in the book’s design and riff on Henri Matisse’s apposite aphorism “exactitude is not truth” (Matisse titled two of his paintings Le Luxe).