Sputnik & Fizzle: A Conversation about Publishing | STET |

Sputnik & Fizzle: A Conversation about Publishing
Com a presença das editora Rita Sobral Campos, Isabel Sobral Campos e do autor Fred Morten

6.ª feira | 22 Dezembro | 19h
STET | Rua da Atalaia, 31 | bairro alto

Sputnik & Fizzle publishes lectures and other interventions in the world of ideas and praxis. We aspire to cultivate a space where academics and multimedia artists cross paths, where texts disturb comfortable formal territories, where national and linguistic boundaries are transposed via translation, and where the discourses that shape social, political, ecological, scientific, and artistic life coincide. We are interested foremost in the confluence of the theoretical and the practical. While much of our content is solicited, we are also open to submissions. Translations are most welcome. Sputnik & Fizzle should highlight the fluidity between the humanities, arts, and sciences. We believe in the versatility of the lecture format and are committed to realizing its wealth of embodiments.

Sputnik & Fizzle was co-founded by Isabel Sobral Campos and Rita Sobral Campos

evento: https://www.facebook.com/events/164900677597085/?active_tab=about 
album: https://www.facebook.com/pg/stet.livros.fotografias/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1628562917207170