Holy Bible |                        Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin

Holy Bible
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin
768 pages | 614 colour plates
16.2 cm x 21.6 cm
Embossed hardcover
MACK, 2013

“Right from the start, almost every appearance he made was catastrophic… Catastrophe is his means of operation, and his central instrument of governance.”
Adi Ophir

Inspired in part by the annotations and images Bertolt Brecht added to his own personal bible, Broomberg and Chanarin’s publication questions the clichés at play within the visual representation of conflict.


War Primer 2 | Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin

War Primer 2
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin

Limited Edition of 100 copies
100 pages
Original Bertolt Brecht hardback book (this edition published 1998) with text silkscreened into the book and 85 colour images tipped-in by hand

War Primer 2 is a limited edition book that physically inhabits the pages of Bertolt Brecht’s remarkable 1955 publication War Primer.

The original is a collection of Brecht’s newspaper clippings, each accompanied by a four-line poem that he called Photo-epigrams. It was the culmination of almost three decades of intermittent activity. The title deliberately recalls the textbooks used to teach elementary school children how to read; Brecht’s book is a practical manual, demonstrating how to “read” or “translate” press photographs. Brecht was profoundly uneasy about the affirmative role played by the medium within the political economy of capitalism and referred to press photographs as heiroglyphics in need of decoding.

War Primer 2 is the belated sequel. While Brecht’s War Primer was concerned with images of the Second World War, War Primer 2 is concerned with the images of conflict generated by both sides of the so-called “War on Terror”.


People In Trouble Laughing Pushed To The Ground | Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin

People In Trouble Laughing Pushed To The Ground
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin
416 pages
20.3 cm x 23 cm
MACK, 2011

People in trouble laughing pushed to the ground. Soldiers leaning, pointing, reaching. Woman sweeping. Balloons escaping. Coffin descending. Boys standing. Grieving. Chair balancing. Children smoking. Embracing. Creatures barking. Cars burning. Helicopters hovering. Faces. Human figures. Shapes. Birds. Structures left standing and falling…

The Belfast Exposed Archive occupies a small room on the first floor at 23 Donegal Street and contains over 14,000 black-and-white contact sheets, documenting the Troubles in Northern Ireland. These are photographs taken by professional photo-journalists and ‘civilian’ photographers, chronicling protests, funerals and acts of terrorism as well as the more ordinary stuff of life: drinking tea; kissing girls; watching trains.
