Lançamento do livro 1+1=1 de Daniel Blaufuks | Pierre von Kleist | 24 Janeiro | STET

Lançamento do livro 1+1=1 de Daniel Blaufuks
Edição Pierre von Kleist

24 Janeiro | 22:00h
STET – livros & fotografias | Rua Acácio Paiva, 20A | Alvalade
1700-006 Lisboa

1+1=1 is a mathematical mistake but not necessarily an error of logic: if you add a drop of water to another drop of water, how many drops will you have? In a world where mathematics and economics are now more revered than logic and reasoning, this work tries to be a collection of silent poems on the everyday of anyone anywhere. Poetry as a means of survival, when all one hears is screams, noises and music you have not chosen. Silence is a blessing and if you add a photograph to another photograph and maybe yet another, how many photographs are you then looking at?



STET na Feira do Livro de Lisboa 2018 | 25 Maio / 13 Junho

A STET vai estar na feira do livro de Lisboa 2018!
Voltamos a participar na feira do livro partilhando banca com os Pierre von Kleist, Serrote e Chili com Carne

Feira do Livro de Lisboa | Parque Eduardo VII
25 Maio – 13 Junho | Pavilhão C41 (subindo do Marquês do Pombal à direita, mesmo acima da Tinta da China)

Durante a feira os horários da livraria vão ser alterados, esta 6ª e sábado, não abrimos em Alvalade!

THE CLUB by Pedro Letria | Pierre von Kleist

THE CLUB Pedro Letria 126 pages, 23.5 x 17 cm Edition of 600 Pierre von Kleist, 2014

Feira de Edições | Conversas | Leitura de Portfólios |

Feira de Edições | Conversas | Leitura de Portfólios
21 e 22 Junho |  Jardim do Carpe Diem Sábado e Domingo | 14/20h
No próximo fim-de-semana acontece a 3º edição da Leitura de Portfólios do Laboratório de Fotografia do Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa Este ano além da  Feira de Edições no jardim organizada pela STET, haverá também conversas com artistas, editores e livreiros e a projecção da série documental Entre Imagens

JAPAN DRUG by António Júlio Duarte

 JAPAN DRUG by António Júlio Duarte

136 pages 26.5×18.5 cm Softcover

Edition of 600

All books are numbered and signed

Pierre von Kleist editions, 2014

“It was 1997 and the new millennium was imminent, one could feel the tense anticipation about what was to come next. I was alone in Japan, a place I had never been before. During the day I would go out looking for my own sense of the place, photographing, exploring notions of center, a place of convergence, as the world expanded before me in its uncertain course. Many years have passed and I felt a need to go back to these images.The millennium is long gone but the vertigo of uncertainty is yet to disappear.” António Júlio Duarte





Book launch COSTA    by José Pedro Cortes | Pierre von Kleist

Book launch | COSTA  by José Pedro Cortes | Pierre von Kleist editions

NOVEMBER 28th | 18.30-21.00h | STET – livros e fotografias

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

14 kms south from Lisboa, where I live, is Costa da Caparica.
During the last years I often found myself returning to this magnetic place. 

José Pedro Cortes

Costa da Caparica is a place, south of Lisboa – a strip of land that exists between the last stretch of civilization and the beach.

In COSTA, we wander through this territory: shacks, outmoded architecture, remains of houses, dirt left by the tide; an agglomeration of sand, vegetation and streets – a peripheral, end-of-the-line location. We are flooded by a strange luminosity; a dazzling and mysterious light which imbues these spaces with a disconcerting and unreal atmosphere, like something seen while in a hypnotic state, encouraging the spectator to participate in a suggestive and paradoxical exploration of individual experience.

Color & B/W
21 x 30.5 cm
80 pages


STET Livros & Fotografias
Rua do Norte, 14 – 1º andar
1200-286 Lisboa

Costa | José Pedro Cortes

José Pedro Cortes

80 pp | Color & B/W
21 x 30.5 cm
Pierre von Kleist, 2013

14 kms south from Lisboa, where I live, is Costa da Caparica. During the last years I often found myself returning to this magnetic place.
José Pedro Cortes

Costa da Caparica is a place, south of Lisboa – a strip of land that exists between the last stretch of civilization and the beach.

In COSTA, we wander through this territory: shacks, outmoded architecture, remains of houses, dirt left by the tide; an agglomeration of sand, vegetation and streets – a peripheral, end-of-the-line location. We are flooded by a strange luminosity; a dazzling and mysterious light which imbues these spaces with a disconcerting and unreal atmosphere, like something seen while in a hypnotic state, encouraging the spectator to participate in a suggestive and paradoxical exploration of individual experience.

White Noise (Special Edition) | António Júlio Duarte

White Noise (Special Edition)
António Júlio Duarte
78 pages | color
30 x 30 cm
1 Inkjet Print | 29 x 29 cm
Signed and Numbered
Pierre von Kleist


António Júlio Duarte has been photographing casino’s lobbies in Macau for the last 10 years.

Shot at night, with a medium format camera and a flash, often in jetlagged mode, the lobbies became Duarte’s personal territory. The absurd luxury of the places combined with the strangeness of the objects, and the absence of human presence, creates a strong dreamlike feeling. We are led through a labyrinth, as if floating.

Thia work is both an important document about the little seen reality of Casino’s in Macau today, and a very personal reflection about East and West, about how to relate to the world through photography.

(normal edition:

Book Launch DEVIATION OF THE SUN by António Júlio Duarte | October 25th | 18/22h

Friday | October 25th | 18/22h | STET – livros e fotografias
Book Launch DEVIATION OF THE SUN by António Júlio Duarte
Japanese soundtrack selected by Filipe Felizardo
“Deviation of the sun is a work about gravity, the ultimate force of placement.”

DEVIATION OF THE SUN by António Júlio Duarte
Design André Príncipe & José Pedro Cortes
Softcover / 72 pages / color / 29.5 x 19 cm
Edition of 500
Centro Cultural Vila Flor, 2013